Dashavatar; 10 Incarnation of LORD VISHNU

BY; Yashraj ''Whenever there is a decline in righteous and wherever there is a predominance of unrighteousness, I incarnate on earth'' - BHAGVAT GITA It is believed that whenever there is an evolution in the history of mankind, God incarnate on earth. Hindu mythology has various fascinating to tell. one of them is of lord Vishnu and his 10 incarnation or 'Dashavatara'. whenever there is danger on mankind the incarnation take place as desire. Following are the 10 incarnation of Lord Vishnu; 1.Matsya when Manu believed to be first person on earth, was stuck in the great flood, then lord Vishnu incarnated himself as Matsya, a huge fish save the life of Manu at the beginning of Satya Yuga. 2.Kurma Appearing in the form of a giant tortoise. lord Vishnu carried the huge mountain Mandrachala. Mandrachala was initially used to churn the ocean but as the ocean too deep, it started to drawn and hence lord Vishnu descended on earth. 3.Varaha A d...